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Mary Okarethe

Creativity Ringleader

Happy Father's Day!

If you are tired of sending "Happy Father's Day" with one million emojis to your Dad every year, we ...

How a Part-Time Lecturer Revived His Car for Uber Business with Flickwheel's Support

Within 72 hours, his car repair loan application was approved, and the funds were disbursed directly...

Where to get a car repair loan in Lagos that fit into your pocket size

As inflation continues to deplete the value of household and individual incomes, it has become glari...

I met my work colleagues for the first time

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to meet your work colleagues in person for the first ...

Flickwheel Partners with Top Rated Auto Technicians/Workshops In Lagos to Eradicate Poor Auto Services Rendered to Car Owners

Driving conditions in Africa can be challenging, and many car owners face difficulties in finding tr...

Why your credit score is important if you need a loan in Nigeria

Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial to paying off your debts on time and avoiding excessiv...

Gamification of the Flickwheel app: Flickplay

Compared to other forms of increasing engagement in a community, Flickplay provides a much better an...

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