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The Flickers

Oct 26, 2022

I met my work colleagues for the first time

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to meet your work colleagues in person for the first time after working remotely for a while? Well, I share my ex...


Creativity Ringleader


Flickwheel is my first full-time remote job, which I absolutely love by the way. Don’t judge me, Lagos 9 - 5 life has shown me pepper.

After working together for a while virtually, we were all invited to the company’s end of the year retreat.

Okay to be sincere, I had mixed feelings about this meetup (insert small anxiety here). Why? Hmm, let’s see. Maybe because I was skeptical about how the relationship would be like, you know, meeting work colleagues for the first time. But I decided to head on with an open mind.

Before I go on to the actual retreat breakdown, let me just use this medium to say a big thank you to the Flickwheel founders; Paul and Henry. They treated us to a really comfortable, fun-filled, and truly insightful 4-day retreat.

Now back to my retreat story.

Omoo, I didn’t expect it to go that well! We all had the opportunity to really bond, gist, and spend quality time together. It was almost as if we’d been working in the same space together for a long time. Amazing yeah? I know!

On our arrival day, there were lots of hugs, smiles, and ‘Oh you are this tall?’ flying around. We had an introduction session that kept us up till almost 3 am! And I did not mind one bit because I was having a swell time. During this introduction session, I got to know my colleagues on a more personal level.

The next day started with a refreshing workout session with a fitness guru (He’s really fit o. I wish I could insert his pictures here but Paul might call me out on our next Monday meeting). I almost embarrassed myself with my poor physical fitness level but God helped me.

After this, we made breakfast together, might I add this was part of the highlights for me? Cooking together with everyone. It was really cool. lol. After this, we changed into our branded Flickwheel hoodies and headed to Ebony life cinemas for movie time. We watched Superstar which I am giving a 3 by the way; don't ask me why, go watch it for yourself and see why.

The gang got back home, rested for a bit, and had a health talk with a stunning nurse practitioner. We learned about the importance of fasting periodically, how to prevent your skin from aging fast and so much more.

By the time we were done with all of these, it was like past 8 and we still had to go on to Coney island for beach waka. In my head, I was like ‘Kome is this you? Squeezing multiple activities into one day?’ But I was enjoying every part of this retreat so I wasn't complaining. Got to the beach by 10 pm, it was really fun! With dancing, night walks by the beach with Joke/Chisom, and drinks all around.

The next day started with another session with the fitness guy followed by making breakfast together again, shoutout to Mary Blossom, our head chef steady holding it down in the kitchen throughout the retreat. When the eating and cleaning up was done, we all converged in the living room for our strategy meeting.

Serious-time guys!

During this meeting, each department shared their projections and plans they had for their department going into 2022. The CEO and CTO wrapped up with a more technical session, a review of 2021, and strategic planning for 2022.

Our last outing for the retreat was at Twin Waters, we first had a quick stop at Rufus and Bees for games and then headed to Chai Tang for dinner.

The final day of the retreat was mainly for live sessions. Each department was tasked with having a live session of the auto service loan application process. From the signup to the loan approval by the finance department to the customer care department calling the auto technician till the very last stage.

And that folks, was how my first retreat with Flickwheel went. And of course, we've got videos and clips from the retreat. Want to watch how it actually went down? Click on the link below to watch our retreat video.

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