Automobile Services With Premium Autocare Experience
Your money; Your pass to a bespoke 360 automobile service. Characterized with high professionalism, you can be sure that your vehicle will be in safe hands.

What Auto Service(s) Do You Need Today?
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Engine/Mechanical Service
This consists of diagnostic testing and mechanical repairs such as engine servicing, drive belts...
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Auto Body Painting
This consists of the artistic and mechanical process of renewing a vehicle body paint. Standard procedures includes: pre-treatment...
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Auto Electricals
This comprises of repairing and maintaining a vehicle’s headlights, dashboard warning lights...
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Auto Body Works
Primarily focuses on the exterior, non-mechanical components of the vehicle consisting of fixing car frames, suspensions...
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Wheel Alignment & Balancing
Keen focus on aligning vehicle wheels, change tyres and overall tyre maintenance and repairs.
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Vehicle Inspection
Performing regular checks on vehicle parts for repairs or replacement, to maintain a functioning vehicle and make it last longer.
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