Vehicle Type
There is no restriction to the kind of vehicle. All vehicle makes and models can be towed.
Get professional assistance to transport your damaged vehicle to any desired location. Secure and care for your vehicle even at unplanned breakdowns.
Whether you decide to repair your vehicle on the road side or in the auto workshop, all types of vehicle service will be offered.
You can either use your personal auto-technician or vetted technicians from this platform. However, you are guaranteed of getting your vehicle back in good shape.
Towing service remains available round the clock
There is no restriction to the kind of vehicle. All vehicle makes and models can be towed.
There will be quick response time independent on the range of distance, as long as it’s accessible.
No matter the extent of damage done on vehicle, it can be towed using the right trunk.
Towing is readily available at any time of the day with great customer service.
All service types that is required for any kind of vehicle damage can be requested.
Premiun service is affordable regardless on range of distance or time of day.
The tow truck has a flat surface called a bed where vehicles are driven or pulled into. This is the most common and safest type.
This offers variety of services to recover small vehicles on the roadside. It’s best for emergencies like flat battery, lockouts, Low gas.
Uses hydraulic boom with tow bars to lift vehicles on its two wheels, suspended in air. Ideal for short distance and small vehicles.
This comes in handy to lift, pull or rotate huge vehicles. Done with wreckers or rotators that are equiped with large hydraulic winches and cables.
Automobile glossary
We’re on a mission to build Africa’s 1st auto mechanic/workshop directory
Checking vehicle parts before repairs to find the correct faults.
Checking vehicle parts before repairs to find the correct faults.